Forever You (Forever #2)

Forever You (Forever #2) Page 8
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Forever You (Forever #2) Page 8

Chapter 6

Denny and I got out of the limo and walked through the doors that led inside the art gallery. I’ve been to this art gallery only one time before, and it was with my sister, Cassidy, when she was looking for a painting for Camden’s nursery. A gentleman walked over and asked if he could help us.

“I’m looking for some paintings that you have on display by Ellery Lane,” I answered.

“Ah yes, Miss Lane’s paintings are right over on this wall,” he said. “She’s quite a talented artist.”

I stood in front of the wall that displayed her artwork and stared at each painting carefully. They were simply breathtaking. The painting that caught my attention was the one of the child sitting in a field of flowers as three angels looked down upon her from the sky. I couldn’t help but think of the scars that I saw on both her wrists.

“She’s a very good artist, Connor,” Denny said as he looked at her paintings.

“She is indeed. I must have all of them,” I replied.

Denny and I stepped out of the art gallery. I quickly pulled my cell phone from my pocket, and I called my secretary, Valerie.

“Hello, Mr. Black,” she answered.

“Valerie, I know it’s Saturday, but I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go to the Sunset Art Gallery and purchase three paintings from an artist named Ellery Lane. I’m calling Scott to pick you up in the SUV in about an hour. I will give him an envelope with cash in it for the paintings. I want you to tell the salesperson that you are paying triple the price of each one. Once you make the purchase, Scott will deliver the paintings to my penthouse.”

“Very good, Mr. Black, I’ll be ready.”

“Thank you, Valerie. There will be a separate envelope with your name on it for your help.”

I hung up the phone and met Denny in the limo. We started to pull out of the parking lot when I had an idea.

“Denny, drive me to Saks Fifth Avenue; we have some dresses to look at.”

“You’re kidding, right, Connor?” he laughed.

“No, Denny, I’m not kidding.”

He shook his head and didn’t say another word. Judging by the size of Ellery’s apartment and her living on her own, I was thinking she didn’t have much money. I wanted to buy her something to wear for the charity function tomorrow. It’s a black tie affair, and I didn’t want her to feel out of place.

Besides, a beautiful woman like Ellery Lane deserved to wear a beautiful designer dress.

“Drop me off in front of the store and park around back. I’ll let you know when I’m done,” I said to Denny.

“Have fun dress shopping, Connor,” he smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes as I got out of the limo. I walked into Saks and ran into a woman I know named Jillian.

“Connor Black, long time no see and no fuck,” she smiled.

“Hello, Jillian, it’s good to see you as always,” I smiled as I kissed her cheek.

“Where have you been hiding? I’ve been waiting to hear from you,” she said as she lightly put her hand on my chest.

“I’ve been really busy, Jillian. I’ve been working hard, trying to secure a business deal.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time for anything else.”

Who was I kidding? I had time; I always made time for sex. I just haven’t wanted anything to do with other women since I met Ellery. Even though she was only a friend to me, she’s the only woman I want to spend time with.

“Well, give me a call when you do find time. I bought some new toys that I’d like to try with you,” she winked.

I politely said goodbye and headed up the escalator to the dress department. I’ve never done this before, well, with the exception of my sister. I would send her dresses from time to time for certain functions. She would get mad because she said she liked to shop and that she could pick out her own dresses. However, she never failed to love the ones I picked.

“Connor Black, how are you?” Camille smiled as she gave me a light hug.

“I’m good, Camille,” I replied.

“I saw your mother in here yesterday. She was buying dresses for the charity tomorrow. What brings you here today?”

“I’m looking for some dresses that I would like you to take to a friend of mine. She will be attending the charity function with me tomorrow night. She’s about 5’7” and very thin.”

Camille looked at me and placed her finger on her lip. “Describe her hair and eyes to me,” she said.

“Her hair is long and blonde, and her eyes are an ice blue color,” I answered.

She took me over to a wall with a rack of dresses that just came in. I took a seat on the couch across from the wall as Camille pulled out dresses to show me. I picked ten dresses that I thought would look stunning on Ellery. The last dress Camille showed me was a Badgley Mischka strapless lace gown in black. I envisioned it on Ellery, and out of all the dresses, it was my favorite one. I got up and handed Ellery’s address to Camille.

“Pick out some shoes to go with the dress, and maybe some jewelry too,” I said as I started to walk away.

“Don’t worry, Connor, I’ll take care of everything,” she smiled.

As I walked out of Saks, my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen as Ashlyn’s name appeared.

“Hello, Ashlyn,” I answered.

“What the f**k is going on, Connor?!” she yelled.

“Watch yourself, Ashlyn. What’s the problem?”

“Why am I not on the list for the charity event tomorrow evening?”

I heavily sighed because I was waiting for this call. “I’m sorry, Ashlyn, but I didn’t make the list.”

“You knew I wasn’t on the list, didn’t you?” she sounded angry.

“Of course I knew, but there’s nothing I can do. There are only so many seats available. Anyway, I don’t have time for this. I have to go.”

“Wait!” she yelled. “I heard a rumor that you’re taking someone to the event tomorrow night.”

“That’s none of your business, Ashlyn. How many times do we go over this?”

“So, it’s true?” She asked.

“If you must know, then yes, I’m bringing a friend with me,” I said as I slipped into the back seat. “I have to go, Ashlyn; I’m working.”

I hit the end button before she could say another word. The last thing I needed was her attending the charity tomorrow night and saying something in front of Ellery. I was beginning to feel stressed out, and I needed to hit the gym for a good workout. As soon as we got back to the penthouse, I grabbed my gym bag and headed for the gym. I ran on the treadmill, lifted some weights, and did some laps around the pool. I was on my way to the locker room when Stephanie stopped me in the hallway.

“I was hoping you’d show up here today,” she smiled.

“Why’s that?” I smiled back.

She had a seductive look in her eye that told me she wanted sex, and she wanted it now. It felt like an eternity since I’ve had sex, and it was driving me crazy. She led me to a small room where towels are stored. I pushed her up against the wall and ran my hand up her shirt, feeling her large br**sts and hardened n**ples as she kissed my neck. I moved my hand slowly down her torso and down the front of her shorts until I felt the edge of her thong. Stephanie reached down the front of my swim shorts and abruptly stopped, pushing me away and staring at me.

“What the hell, Connor? You’re not even hard,” she snapped.

I couldn’t believe this was happening as this has never happened to me before. I sighed and took a step back as I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head.

“I don’t know what the problem is. I’ve been under a lot of stress at work.”

She opened the door and looked at me. “Sex is the best stress reliever in life, so maybe it’s something else. Call me when you figure it out,” she said as she walked out.

I walked to the locker room and got dressed. Damn Ellery Lane. I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. Not only did she f**k with my head, now she’s messing with my sex life. I walked out of the gym and climbed into the Range Rover. I put my head on the steering wheel for a minute while I tried to figure out what I was going to do.

I drove to the penthouse and threw my bag on the bed. I stood in the shower and let the hot water run down my body. I couldn’t stop thinking about Ellery and what her reaction is going to be when Camille shows up at her apartment with the dresses. I stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam from the mirror with my hand. I looked at the man in the mirror and didn’t recognize what I saw anymore. My heart is flipping out, and my mind is f**ked up, compliments of Ellery Lane.

I slept pretty well all night. I’m sure the amount of scotch I drank before bed had helped. The next day, I got up, showered, dressed, and headed downstairs to the kitchen where Claire was making homemade banana nut bread.

“Good morning, Connor. Did you have a nice evening?”

“Good morning, Claire. Today’s Sunday, and it’s your day off. What are you doing here?” I asked her as I lightly kissed her cheek.

“Remember, I’m taking tomorrow off instead to take my husband to the doctor?”

“That’s right, I’m sorry, I forgot. Thank you for making banana bread, it smells delicious.” I said as I took my coffee and sat at the table.

“It will be ready in about 5 minutes. You seem like you’re in a great mood today. Is there any special reason why?” she smiled.

I got the impression from her smile that she knew about Ellery. I’m sure Denny told her; those two seem to tell each other everything.

“The charity function is tonight, and I’m attending it with a very beautiful woman,” I answered as I opened my laptop.

“Very good, Connor; I hope you enjoy yourself tonight,” Claire smiled as she set the plate of banana bread on the table.

I smiled and thanked her. I checked my emails and started to answer a few of them when a text from Ellery came through to my phone.

“Hi Connor, it’s me Ellery. Thank you for the beautiful dress, but it’s too much, and I don’t feel right accepting it.”

I smiled because I knew she loved it. I wanted to make her feel like a princess tonight, even if she’s just a friend.

“You’re welcome, and it’s not too much, see you at 6:00 pm sharp,” I replied.

I was anxious to see what dress she picked out. They were all stunning, but the strapless black lace was my favorite. I could picture that dress, hugging her small silhouette, and with her br**sts uplifted, forming a sexy cl**vage. I picture her hair in curls that cascade over her shoulders and her smile when I pick her up. Damn that smile. I instantly became very aroused and needed to go upstairs to take care of myself. This has become a daily habit since I haven’t had sex in a while. How the hell was I going to control myself with her tonight?

I put on my tuxedo, fixed my hair, and put on my Armani cologne. Why the hell was I getting so nervous? I put my cufflinks on and headed downstairs. My phone rang. I took it from my jacket, and saw that it was my mother calling.

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